Inner function list

<!-- // set property - <sp id="global" n="width" v="600" /> -> 600 -->
<sp id="global" n="width" v="600" />
<!-- // get property - <gp id="global" n="width" /> -> 600 -->
<gp id="global" n="width" />
<!-- // math add <madd p1="600" p2="200" /> -> 800 -->
<madd p1="600" p2="200" />
<!-- // math sub <msub p1="600" p2="200" /> -> 400 -->
<msub p1="600" p2="200" />
<!-- // if condition <if cond="true"><then>..<gp id="global" n="width"></then>
<else>..</else></if> -> 600 (getting last result) -->
<!-- // while loop  <while><cond>..</cond><do>..</do></while> -->
<!-- bool functions -->
<eq p1="100" p2="100" />
<neq p1="100" p2="100" />
<not p1="true" />
<gt p1="200" p2="100" />
<lt p1="100" p2="200" />
<and p1="true" p2="true" />
<or p1="false" p2="false" />
<!-- run external functions -->
<run0 id="self" n="close" />
<run1 id="global" n="showMessage" p1="Hello, world!" />
<run2 id="self" n="moveTo" p1="100" p2="200" />
<run3 n="asfd" p1="1" p2="2" p3="3" />
<!-- // running external functions <extFunc funcName="showMessage" msg="Hello, world!" />
 -> result of function, if have -->
<extFunc funcName="showMessage" msg="Hello, world!" />
// environment management -> add a new object in environment with id @envId
<makeObject envId="temp" />
// -------------------------- some util functions -------------------------
// add to current value <spadd n="x" v="4" /> -> x=x+4;
<spadd n="x" v="4" />
// subtract from current value <spsub n="x" v="4" /> -> x=x-4;
<spsub n="x" v="4" />